The blossoms were in full effect. The orchards had the bees buzzing and the temp was just right. Big thanks to the weather guy for being accurate. I know its hard to be wrong at work 80 percent of the time, but they nailed it today.
The first session was with Hannah and Brandon in Cedar, MI. The shoot was actually closer to Traverse City but minor details shall be pushed to the rear. The sun was out and the dew was slowly giving way to the approaching afternoon heat.
H & B made work very easy. The big key is when the gentleman is a willing soul. Brandon was just that, fearless. Come on its just getting your portrait done right?! How do most people feel when they go to the dentist or get up in front of a crowd to speak. If your out of your element things can get a bit shaky. Brandon owned this session.
Of course, Hannah was the backbone of the operation. The woman in our lives usually are. Today was a great day of work. Thank you to H & B for making life that much easier.